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Mod. - RCM 12 - PATENTED !! Professional radio-controlled lawnmower for slopes up to 100 % !!

RCM 12  is our professional radio - controlled lawnmower for slopes up to 100% !!

It is used to execute grass cutting services with a mono operator controlling the machine in complete safety with a remote control system. In this way the operator can stay at due distance from busy roads or from other dangerous situations

In addition, with the centrally arranged cutting rotor under the machine, it allows to cut grass and branches on BOTH DIRECTION OF TRAVEL

Possibility to choose among 3 different kinds of tracks in order to have the best grip based on the terrain on which you operate.

 Dimension  m
 Weight  kg  850
 Engine  4 cylinder turbo diesel
 37 kW / 50 hp to 2800 rpm
 Forced turbocharged aspiration
 Dry air filter and prefilter
 Cooling system  Liquid with automatic timing system, which
 cyclically reverses the flow of cooling air
 in order to avoid the blockage of the radiator
 Radio control  Proportional mono joystick
 Cutting system  Mechanical motion rotor with poly-v belt attached on
 lubricated bearings and with double spiral knives
 Motion system  Oleodinamic proportional motion system 
 Tracks  COR - TEN steel tracks
 Auto-straightening  A fall sensor turns off the engine, closes the
 fuel and oil tanks and activates at the same
 time the electric mode
 Working width  mm  1,200
 Speed  km/h  8
 Torque  Nm  14
 Fuel tank  l  70
 Oil tank l  42